
No more plastic forks. Borrow and use as needed.

Get Started

Easy Money


Deposit Your Unused Items to Earn Some Pocket Change.

Save the Earth


Use Our Utensils on Demand. No Need to Buy Plastic Forks.

Deliver to Your Door

Delivery Truck

Don't Move an Inch. We'll Be Right There.

How It Works

Rent Out Your Silverware


People who would like to rent out their silverware can virtually deposit it into our online warehouse.

Request from the Available Pool


Then, anyone who needs a lot of cutlery, (event organizers, party throwers, fork enthusiasts) can request from the available pool.

Always Available and Clean


ForkU will ensure the availability and cleanliness of any cutlery. It is then delivered to the rentee at their requested time.

The Cycle Repeats


Finally, once the festivities are over, the cutlery can be returned to the owners, or stay in the pool to be rented out again. After being washed of course.

Get Started Today

Simply sign up with your Google account to get started. You can lend out your silverware, or request some right away.

Register Today


This website was made for the 2020 BoilerMake Hackathon.
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